151 research outputs found

    Children’s information retrieval: beyond examining search strategies and interfaces

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    The study of children’s information retrieval is still for the greater part untouched territory. Meanwhile, children can become lost in the digital information world, because they are confronted with search interfaces, both designed by and for adults. Most current research on children’s information retrieval focuses on examining children’s search performance on existing search interfaces to determine what kind of interfaces are suitable for children’s search behaviour. However, to discover the true nature of children’s search behaviour, we state that research has to go beyond examining search strategies used with existing search interfaces by examining children’s cognitive processes during information-seeking. A paradigm of children’s information retrieval should provide an overview of all the components beyond search interfaces and search strategies that are part of children’s information retrieval process. Better understanding of the nature of children’s search behaviour can help adults design interfaces and information retrieval systems that both support children’s natural search strategies and help them find their way in the digital information world

    Теорія прийняття рішень й системний аналіз в управлінні рекреаційною діяльністю

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    Мета цієї статті - застосування теорії прийняття рішень та системного аналізу до управління підприємствами туристсько-рекреаційного комплексу національної економіки

    Безопасность на Южном Кавказе в контексте возможного сотрудничества стран региона с США, ЕС, НАТО, ОДКБ

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    Causahty is one of the most basic aspects of the way hutnans conceive cohelence in the world they inhabit, m then expenences, and m then lelationships with othei people In language and language use the hnguistic markmg of cau sality plays an impoi tant role This study focuses on Dutch hnguistic maikeis of causahty of two diffeient types, which aie manifest at two different levels of the hnguistic structuie the causal connectives daardoor ('äs a resulf) and daarom ('that's why'), and the causal veibs doen ('make') and laten ('have, make') So fai, these causal maikei s are typically studied m Isolation Hei e, the study of the mteiclausal (connectives) and the müa-clausal level maikeis of causahty (causal verbs) is integrated, the central idea being that distinctions between diffeient types of causahty are hkely to conespond across levels of language structur

    Випуск Центру дистанційного навчання Київського університету права НАН України

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    28 січня 2009 р. відбувся вже п'ятий випуск Центру дистанційного навчання Київського університету права НАН України

    Maatschappelijke initiatieven voor natuur en biodiversiteit : een schets van de reikwijdte en ecologische effecten en potenties van maatschappelijke initiatieven voor natuur in feiten en cijfers

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    Voor de Balans van de Leefomgeving willen we weten welke feiten en cijfers bekend zijn over maatschappelijke activiteiten, initiatieven en functiecombinaties voor natuur en biodiversiteit en wat de bijdrage hiervan is om de biodiversiteit te verbeteren. In dit onderzoek hebben we gegevens verzameld in de beschikbare literatuur en online bronnen. Uit de verzamelde feiten en cijfers blijkt dat het merendeel van de burgers betrokken zijn bij natuur en dat op onderdelen de betrokkenheid van burgers maar ook van bedrijven toeneemt. De meeste groene burgerinitiatieven zijn gericht op beleefbaar groen maar soms worden ook belangrijke natuurwaarden gerealiseerd die aansluiten bij internationale biodiversiteitsdoelstellingen. Burgers spelen daarnaast een zeer belangrijke rol bij het in kaart brengen van gegevens over planten- en diersoorten. Uit de verzamelde feiten en cijfers blijkt ook dat bij alle huidige vormen van bodemgebruik er mogelijkheden en initiatieven zijn voor natuurcombinaties of voor het vergroten van de biodiversiteit.---For the Assessment of the Dutch Human Environment we want to review what is known about social activities, initiatives and combination of functions for nature and biodiversity and what they contribute to enhancing biodiversity. In this study we collected data from the available literature and websites. These facts and figures show that most people are involved with nature in one way or another and that the involvement of individuals and businesses in some activities is even increasing. Most green citizens' initiatives are focused on amenity green space, but sometimes important natural values that support international biodiversity targets are also created. In addition, citizens play a vital role in monitoring plant and animal species. These facts and figures show also that in all current forms of land use there are possibilities and initiatives for nature combinations or for increasing biodiversity

    Unifying dimensions in coherence relations: How various annotation frameworks are related

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    In this paper, we show how three often used and seemingly different discourse annotation frameworks – Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB), Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), and Segmented Discourse Representation Theory – can be related by using a set of unifying dimensions. These dimensions are taken from the Cognitive approach to Coherence Relations and combined with more fine-grained additional features from the frameworks themselves to yield a posited set of dimensions that can successfully map three frameworks. The resulting interface will allow researchers to find identical or at least closely related relations within sets of annotated corpora, even if they are annotated within different frameworks. Furthermore, we tested our unified dimension (UniDim) approach by comparing PDTB and RST annotations of identical news- paper texts and converting their original end label annotations of relations into the accompanying values per dimension. Subsequently, rates of overlap in the attributed values per dimension were analyzed. Results indicate that the pro- posed dimensions indeed create an interface that makes existing annotation systems “talk to each other.

    Wetenschap dicht communicatiekloof

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    We gaan steeds meer met elkaar communiceren, en op steeds meer verschillende manieren. Voor overheden en bedrijven biedt dit nieuwe mogelijkheden, maar er gaat ook veel mis. Het NWO-programma Begrijpelijke Taal wil hier iets aan doen

    Text and Text Analysis

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